I spotted a post card very early in the year and used it on our invites this year.
I loved it and really quick and easy to do.
Then printed this verse on the other side:
Do join us for a spell,
It's fancy dress, that's mum's and dad's aswell.
Make sure your costume's give a fright,
And bring a coat it get's cold at night.
Halloween night is the date,
Be there at four or you'll be late.
Witches, wizards, pumpkins too,
Our wicken fest won't be the same without you!
This year I made a NEW SEW!! ghost cape for me, is was really easy but used alot of fabric. Sorry but I have no photo's but click on the link to see a photo on Martha Stewart' website.

Liam went as a mummy, I bought some cheap white pj's and stitched bandages onto them.
You can see this in the bobbin apples photo below.
You can see this in the bobbin apples photo below.
Oh, the decorations I have accumulated over the years. I almost have as made Halloween boxes in the lost as I do Christmas decorations. I tend to buy them from all sorts of stores including the pound stores which seem to have last years items in for, yes you guessed it a £1.
But I do like to make some myself.
This was made from a polystyrene ring covered in floristry moss and spiders glued to it.
Then I blue tacke other spiders to the doors so they looked like they were all crawling the same way into the house.
The mirror was created by covering it in windowlene then just before it is completely dry drawing on it with my finger to remove it in places to make the eyes
I sat night after night cutting out these mice which I stuck around the house, from the Martha Stewart site.
And here's the finished products
I decided to put a shadow on the back of mine.
Which is really easy you just add a second carving on the upper part of the back of the pumpkin.
Then put it close to a wall.
I love this free Halloween bunting. (if to be used outside laminate it)
Last year was the same as the year before hot dogs for the children, chilli and baked potato's for the adults. This is because it is quick to pull together and the potato's can be put in early and the chilli can be made the night before.
Well this year I came across a bag full of plastic Halloween rings and I had a PING! moment.
Now I am not fantastic at cake decorating but the kids loved these. (I cheated and bought shop bought cakes and decorated them at home).
Which was a treasure hunt.
I hid 16 numbered, laminated cards (with a clip art picture of a mummy on them)
around the garden with Halloween characters on them.
Which was a treasure hunt.
I hid 16 numbered, laminated cards (with a clip art picture of a mummy on them)
around the garden with Halloween characters on them.
I split the kids into two teams and encouraged to adult friends to be the mummies (thanks Nic and Steve).
I gave each team four value loo rolls and five minutes to cover the adults as much as they could.
the best covered mummy won.
I bought a cheap large childs drawing pad (A3) and a marker,
cut little bat shapes out and wrote words assosiated with halloween on them,
they had to draw broomsticks, witches hats etc
I bought a cheap large childs drawing pad (A3) and a marker,
cut little bat shapes out and wrote words assosiated with halloween on them,
they had to draw broomsticks, witches hats etc
I bought trick or treat bags (in the sale last year at 2p each) and I have each family to bring a large bag of sweets or small toys and each child goes round and collects their candy and goodies at the end of the night.
Fancy Dress Award Certificates
You could give each child a (free down loadable) certificate for different categories ie. scariest costume, cutest costume, most original, so every one gets one.
cake slice favour box free printable template
I was really bad this year and didn't send out any thank you memento photo's.
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