Saturday 13 November 2010


Today is UK kindness day, so do something nice for someone.
Kindness Day

Kindness is Catching

Being kind to others not only feels good and benefits other people, but it tends to spread as those who receive an act of kindness often pay it forward.


The idea behind Random Acts of Kindness Day is to
do something nice for someone for no reason,
similar to a pay it forward mentality.


Here are some idea's (but the little things count too!)

Do yard work or housework for an elderly neighbour
Leave a gift/flowers on the doorstep of a lonely friend

Spend time talking with or playing cards with a lonely friend or neighbour

 Call an elderly relative and chat about their day.
Treat a co-worker at coffee break.

Put a love note in your family's lunch, briefcase, or book bag.
Tape a note and some change to a vending machine for someone who's short of change.

Feed a parking meter that has expired.

Pack an extra lunch and give it to a homeless person.


You get the idea anything goes.
Attach a note saying

lease AccEPT
 This Random Act
f Kindness

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